DNS server Openbsd 4.5

Hari ini ada tugas dari Bapak Komandan untuk membuat DNS server hix hix…… seraya di hati kurang yakin gitu karena dulu pernah sisih buat dns server dengan open 4.4. adapun langkahh2 nya adlah :

1. Install openbsd 4.5 di PC yang di siapkan sebagai DNS server.
2. Tinggak Konfigurasi named.conf karena secara default dalam openbsd named sudahh teristall.
3. Konfigurasi named.conf
// $OpenBSD: named-simple.conf,v 1.9 2008/08/29 11:47:49 jakob Exp $
// Example file for a simple named configuration, processing both
// recursive and authoritative queries using one cache.

// Update this list to include only the networks for which you want
// to execute recursive queries. The default setting allows all hosts
// on any IPv4 networks for which the system has an interface, and
// the IPv6 localhost address.

acl clients {

isi dengan network anda


/*acl clients {

options {
version “”;     // remove this to allow version queries
forwarders   {;;; };
listen-on    { any; };
listen-on-v6 { any; };
//empty-zones-enable yes;

allow-recursion { clients; };

logging {
category lame-servers { null; };

zone “.” {
type hint;
file “etc/root.hint”;

zone “localhost” {
type master;
file “standard/localhost”;
allow-transfer { localhost; };

zone “127.in-addr.arpa” {
type master;
file “standard/loopback”;
allow-transfer { localhost; };

zone “” {
type master;
file “standard/loopback6.arpa”;
allow-transfer { localhost; };
//editan NS wekekke

zone “solo.asti.net” {
type master;
file “master/db.solo.asti.net”;

zone “25.168.192.in-addr.arpa” {
type master;
file “master/db.192.168.25”;
4. Membuat file db.solo.asti.net
; FileName     : db.solo.asti.net.
; Last Updated : See Serial No.
$TTL    345600
@                IN      SOA  ns.solo.asti.net.  hostmaster.solo.asti.net. (
2009060900      ; Serial
3600            ; Refresh setiap 1 jam
1800            ; Retry setelah 1/2 jam
3600000         ; Kadaluawarsa setelah 1000 jam
86400           ; TTL adalah 1000 jam

IN NS  ns.solo.asti.net.
ns                     IN A
$ORIGIN                 solo.asti.net.
@                       IN TXT “IndoInternet Solo”
ns                     A  
5. Membuat file db.192.168.25
; FileName     : db.192.168.25
; Last Updated : See Serial No.
$TTL    345600
@                IN      SOA  ns.solo.asti.net.  hostmaster.solo.asti.net. (
2009061000     ; Serial
3600            ; Refresh setiap 1 jam
1800            ; Retry setelah 1 jam
3600000         ; Kadaluawarsa setelah 1000 jam
3600000         ; TTL adalah 1000 jam

IN NS  ns.solo.asti.net.
$ORIGIN                 25.168.192.in-addr.arpa.
@                       IN TXT “Reverse address for 192.168.25”
132     IN      PTR     ns.solo.asti.net.
6. Selesaii dahhh gampang juga hix hix